AWS Cloud Advisory

Get the best advice on everything AWS
Determine what to migrate to cloud
Identify the right migration strategy
Find out how to save costs on cloud

Begin a Trust Driven Journey with Expert Advice

Our Cloud Consulting services focuses on understanding your business and IT environment to help you identify a cloud strategy that’s best suited for your growth. We believe in measurable outcomes, and we facilitate a migration roadmap that is supported by strong business cases.  There are many other elements involved in cloud migration and optimizing AWS for the right business transformation.
If you are migrating to Cloud, have you thought about these steps?
If you are already on Cloud, have you considered the following?

Our AWS cloud advisory services help you address all these aspects holistically so that you can transition smoothly and make the best of it

Umbrella Cloud Advisory Services

Getting Cloud Migration Right for Lasting Value

Depending on whether you are moving to cloud or need to optimize on cloud, we help you focus on four main factors to help you gain optimal value from AWS cloud.

Assess your cloud needs thoroughly with performance, security, scalability and cost in mind

Analyse your infrastructure and technical capabilities to gain insights for optimization

Frame a winning strategy that devises the solutions for the right transformation

Deploy or modernize and automate with a planned and structured approach


Why We Make a Difference

Our team of experts with vast experience in complex cloud architecture frameworks, industry knowledge and service excellence is your go to source on AWS Cloud
Build Sustainable Business Case
Our thorough cloud assessment and migration strategy enable a strong business case
Solutions to Drive Increased ROI
Cost optimization and a migration roadmap with a long view ensure increase in ROI
Answers to Your Challenges
We create customer focused solutions that address your technical and business needs
AWS Cloud Consulting Services
Umbrella AWS Framework

Umbrella Cloud Advisory Framework

Our Advisory framework covers full spectrum of AWS Cloud consulting services including assessment, discovery and solutions spanning your organization, infrastructure and application needs
AWS Consulting Services

Umbrella Assessment

Cloud Consulting Companies

Analysis & Roadmap

AWS Consulting Services

What We Deliver

Customers Speak

Trusted by Global Enterprises

We have delighted various customers in their cloud journey and many continue partnering with us

“ Praising the team at Umbrella Infocare, House of Diagnostics said, “The team was quick at zeroing down on the issue, and then architecting a solution that met our needs to a T. They helped us lower costs, made our business environment more stable and secure, and helped us offer improved customer experience.”

“ During our long association with Umbrella, the company has been highly responsive, deeply committed and takes ownership – the team combines transparency with diligence and agility to deliver projects with passion and excellence. ”

Deploy, Modernize and Automate on Cloud with Clarity and Confidence

Case Studies

How We Bring Value – Our Case Studies

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We take you into our world of technology, Umbrella’s blog and news, bringing you the latest information and perspectives